The Year 4 Team

As part of the Term 3 Science curriculum, the Year 4 students covered ‘Beneath our Feet’ and ‘Plants in Action’ units. Students worked in the gardens at CERES environmental park. They participated in planting, harvestings, watering, mulching and garden design. They discovered the importance of soils and different soil types. Students identified the differences between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. They also observed a collection of fossils and traced the place of these fossils in the history of time. Lastly, they discovered how to manually measure and interpret the weather at CERES by using weather instruments, gadgets and sensory observation. Students had the chance to engage in hands-on activities, learning about weather, plants and soil. We first discovered the importance of soils, different soil types and the life they contain. Using stream tables, the students discovered how erosion occurs across different slopes and different vegetation types as a result of natural processes and human activity. Later, we learnt about sustainable gardening by working in the garden.

Later in the term, back at school our focus was on ‘Plants in Action’ where we conducted our own seed germination experiment. In the unit ‘Beneath our Feet’, students collected rock and soil samples to compare and contrast their features. They investigated the soil and rock samples by looking at their characteristics.

In Literacy, our writing focus was persuasive writing. Students enjoyed writing persuasive pieces, especially letters to our principal. We also discovered how advertisements persuade us and made our own persuasive posters. For Literacy week, we had our annual book character parade. There were many fantastic costumes representing students’ favourite characters. Students had the opportunity to dress up in their favourite book or movie character. It was a lot of fun. Congratulations to everyone for all their efforts!

In Numeracy, we also covered many topics. Students enjoyed learning about shapes, exploring them on paper and around the classroom. They also learnt about fractions and money, performing very well on their tests.

Students were also involved in many incursions this term. We were fortunate enough to have a visit from Professor Bunsen during science week, a visit from Professor Maths, and explored virtual reality. Thank you to Mrs Mirela Hot for organising NAIDOC week, the incursion for Upper Primary. Australia’s indigenous culture is one of the oldest surviving cultures in the world. Students enjoyed the CGI video about Dreamtime; students were amazed and had a great time.

The Eid festival was another fun event for all students and their families. Ms Scaife was lucky enough to paint many faces during the festival. Students enjoyed going on the rides, eating yummy food and spending time with their friends and family.

Towards the end of Term 3, the Year 4s came together for the concert to deliver a performance on Federation, also singing ‘We are Australian’. We spent many weeks preparing for the concert and were blown away by the hard work all of the students put in on the day.

Overall, we had a very eventful and fun term. We are very impressed with all of the students in Year 4 and cannot wait for Term 4!

Ms Brianna Scaife & Ms Esra Yildirim-Bas